Mette Elmgaard Pedersen joins London Creative Labs

Josef Davies Coates, Alex Osterwalder, David Mills, Mette Elmgaard Pedersen
Things have not been the same since the arrival of Mette at London Creative Labs on October 19th 2009. Mette is here on a 2-month internship from the renowned business school Kaos Pilots in Denmark.
You could be fooled into thinking she is just a wonderful person because of her gentle spirit and compassion for others. She is also however, the sort of person that has trained herself to define her own path as she goes along. She has trained herself to take initiative, rather than "sit back and wait" for an education.
She has brought this skill to London Creative Labs and the last 6 weeks have seen many wonderful mornings with us sitting together, using a very intuitive approach to sense the changing context and to adapt our plans daily. She has co-led this period of outreach.
She helped us to step away from the heady lights and noise of the digital world and actually make the important steps into the communities. This is where the rubber hit the road. My deep thanks to Mette for bringing her whole self with her to tackle the challenges so authentically.
It has been priceless to have someone on the team that is so open and capable of working with the dynamic plans that a start-up has to have and also having the courage to push the plans in new directions. Dear Mette, thank you!
Mette Introduces herself
My name is Mette and I am a graduate student at the school KaosPilots in Denmark. I am trained in creative project management, creative process leadership and creative business design, and I feel so lucky to get the chance do a two month internship with London Creative Labs.
I have spent one month at London Creative Labs already, and I have learned so much from being involved in this courageous and beautiful experiment and way of creating positive social change by empowering people. My main focus and interest has been moving the project to street level, and hearing the quiet voices who are closest to the challenges of joblessness, and possibly also therefore closer to the solution - with a little help.
I spent my first weekend in London talking to people, and really listening, and my understanding of the challenge has grown from then. I am very excited that we have now had our first MicroLab to test, challenge and prove the concept and that we have entered the phase of outreach.
Dear Sofia and the rest of the London Creative Labs team, thank you so much for taking me in. Let's get this baby flying!

Reader Comments (2)
[...] Peer Fund London Creative Labs ← Mette Elmgaard Pedersen joins London Creative Labs [...]
[...] Mette, Mamading and Sofia attended a great “Laboratories for Social Change” Seminar by Reos’s Zaid Hassan. This was a very generous investment (in kind) in LCL by Zaid; a friend and peer since Sofia’s “Pioneers of Change” days. Thank you Zaid! [...]