Facilitating Local Conversations

Open Space Events in Lambeth

London Creative Labs is pleased to be facilitating a series of Open Space events in Lambeth, London, sponsored by Lambeth First, the Local Strategic Partnership, and hosted by various community organisations.

The events aim to get to the conversations that need to happen and to identify practical ways to move forward right away. Come and join us for a session of Open Space!
Some of the issues we could discuss include:
- how to improve the lives of local people and keep key services going?
- how can third sector organisations survive and thrive in the face of the cuts?
- how to make best use of what we have (equipment, places and people)?
What is Open Space? One of the most effective processes for organisations and communities to identify critical issues, voice their passions and concerns, learn from each other, and, when appropriate, take collective responsibility for finding solutions.
Open space starts with a blank canvas. As participants, we all set the agenda on the day.
This is an invitation to residents, communities, local businesses and services to come together and help shape the future of Lambeth. If you think you’re not invited you definitely need to be here!
To book, contact Lambeth First or telephone 020 7926 1708
More info on how to participate and full list of the upcoming events
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